Translation: being grouchy is ... a choice.
Good to be reminded.
"Ouch!" There is so much raw truth in Maxine’s constant irreverent quips about life which are always highlighted by her crabby character. Unfortunately, her off the cuff quirky commits are usually followed by her unleashed thoughts on inappropriate topics. I intentionally avoid Maxine. I just never know what she is going to say next.
She obviously has never read the scripture Ephesians 4:29, "Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers." Or, Proverbs 10:19, "In the multitude of words sin is not lacking, But he who restrains his lips is wise." Hmmm, maybe she has read it and simply chooses to ignore it's instruction.
Guard your thoughts,
They become your words.
Guard your words,
They become your actions.
Guard your actions,
They become your habits.
Guard your habits,
They become your character.
Guard your character
for it will become your destiny.
Maxine reminds me so much of my own Grandmother, Levella Hamilton, my Daddy's mom. No, "Mawmaw" was not a crabby lady. Just the complete opposite. She was fun. A better description would be FUNNY. And, It really did't matter if anyone else in the room thought her comment was funny or not, she was going to roll over laughing herself. You just couldn't help laughing at her laughing at her own rascally remark. You never knew what she was going to say and I can guarantee she would make me laugh out load when I knew I should not.
Do you remember that TV commercial years ago, "WHERE'S THE BEEF?!"? Take a good look at the lady below on the right. And, be sure to take note of the one in shock in the middle, too.
Well, now imagine going to church on a Sunday morning with my family. The big red LTD is loaded with Daddy, Momma, three kids, Mawmaw (and you). First stop in route Daddy brings us to our Sunday morning big breakfast treat, McD's. :) We arrive at church. Coke, popcorn, donuts, family, and friends all greet us in the fellowship hall. Then, the whole family waddles in like ducks in a row to our pews. Service begins with prelude music and announcements, the choir makes their grand entrance, the entire church is singing hymns of praise, then the totally unexpected happens.
Mawmaw leans over and loudly whispers, "Look! "Where's the Beef" Lady is singing in our choir!!" Huh? What did you say? (Now Mawmaw is pointing through the couple in the next pew to the choir loft, right side) "Over there. There she is!" My sister Debbie and I finally make since of what Mawmaw just said, we make the mistake at looking at each other, and we both loose it. [Momma is sitting a few family members down the pew and gives all three of us the evil eye as to say without saying, "You three know better to be laughing, much less hysterically, during hymn singing. We know we were in trouble as soon as service ends, Mawmaw included...]. Debbie and I have song books hiding our own face and trying our best to not LOL. It just wasn't working too well.
My Aunt Lajuan is one pew behind curiously trying to figure out what is soooo funny. Mawmaw is all too anxious to share the news, Ignoring our attempts to hush her. Aunt Lajuan's reply, the same as ours,
Lajuan: (puzzled) Huh? What'd you say?
Mawmaw: (Still tickled trying to speak) "Look! "Where's the Beef" Lady is singing in our choir!!"
Lajuan: (not believing what she just heard) Where?
Mawmaw: (pointing): "In the choir!"
Lajuan: "Oh, My! It does look like her!"
Debbie, me, and Momma: (Struggling NOT to look at Mawmaw gawking nor look to the right side of the choir loft, just about choke to death trying to swallow our giggles!)
Bro. Randall did make it to the end of his sermon without calling us all down from the pulpit. I don't actually recall, but I am sure Mawmaw told him about the celebrity in the choir loft. I can hear him respectfully reply, "Hmm. Really? Interesting." No, I don't recall the message that day. But, I will laugh just as hard as if it just happened yesterday. Mawmaw could not wait for the Sundays that followed to see "Where's the Beef" Lady singing in our choir!!"
Note: Look at the picture, again. Growing up I thought the "Where's the Beef" Lady (on the phone) favored my own FUNNY Mawmaw Hamilton (Daddy's mom) always bringing laughter into our home. Mawmaw could have played her role just as well. The lady (holding her mouth in shock) reminds me so much of "Saint of saints" Granny Faye Landry (Momma's mom).
SUCH GRAND MEMORIES. I am abundantly blessed to have both characters so involved in my life.
Which character do you think is most like you?
[] Funny "Where's the Beef" Lady
[] "Saint of saints"
[] Clueless
[] Crabby Maxine
Would others agree?
"I'm not grouchy by nature. It takes constant effort." Being grouchy is ... a choice. Choose your words and character carefully.
GOOD to be Reminded!
p.s. Do you have people that bring laughter into your own life? Do you Know a saint that is a prayer warrior that intentionally encourages you? Are you remembering a particular funny or awkward story? Share it with us! And, be sure to share it with your family.
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